
Yssy-1200 Medical Drug Elastomeric Syringe Infusion Pump
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Product Name: Yssy-1200 Medical Drug Elastomeric Syringe Infusion Pump Model NO.: Yssy-1200 Source: No LCD Display: Without LCD Display Group: All Certification: ISO13485 Kind: Infusion Pump Type: Infusion Pump Name: Infusion Pump Drop Detector: Outside Caliper Rotary Detector (Patent) Infrared Purge Rate: 600.0ml Protection Class: Class I, Type CF,Ipx4 Trademark: YUESHEN Transport Package: Carton Specification: ISO certificate Origin: Guangzhou Product Description YSSY-820 Infusion Pump (CE approved) Features & Functions:Bubble detector,drop sensor and pressure sensor can precisely detect tube air bubbles.2.Unique Voice Alarm system and accurate injection rate make the injection process safer and more reliable.3.HD LCD display working status.4.Have store many brands IV sets,Automatically calibration and compatible with any brand infusion sets.5.Work mode: ml/h and drop/min, and these two modes can switch freely.6.KVO and Bolus functions.Technical parameters:SPECIFICATION (YSSY-820 Infusion Pump)Product nameYSSY-820Unique Voice Alarm systemThe device triggered the voice prompt and stop injection automatically when there is any malfunction, making the infusion process safer and more reliable.Infusion rate1ml/h~1,200ml/hPurge rate100ml/h~1,200ml/h (100 ml/h increment)KVO rate1ml/h~5 ml/h (1ml/h increment)AccuracyWithin ±5% (after correct calibration)Infusion Volume1ml~9999mlTotal Infusion Volume0.1ml~9999.9mlOcclusion detection pressureHigh: 800±200 mmHg (106.7±26.7 kPa)Medium: 500±100 mmHg (66.7±13.3 kPa)Low: 300±100 mmHg (40.7±13.3 kPa)Bubble detectorUltrasonic wave detector; detection sensitivity ≥25μLAlarmsEnd of injection, occlusion, door open, bubbles in the tube, wrong setting, low battery, AC power pulled out etc.PowerAC100V~240V, 50/60Hz; Internal rechargeable Li battery, capacity≥1,600mAh, 4 hours internal battery backupOperation conditionsAmbient temperature: +5°C~+40°C;Relative humidity: 20~90%Atmospheric pressure: 86.0kpa~106.0kpaStorage conditionsAmbient temperature: -30°C~+55°CRelative humidity: ≤95%Equipment ClassificationClass II, internal power supply, Type BFIP gradeIPX1Dimension140mm (L) × 157mm (W) × 220mm (H)Weight1.8kg (net weight)QualityCE certification YSSY-820D Infusion Pump with drug libraryFeatures & Functions:1.Bubble detector and pressure sensor can precisely detect tube air bubbles2.Unique Voice Alarm system and accurate injection rate make the injection process safer and more reliable.3.HD LCD display working status.4.Have store many brands IV sets,Automatically calibration and compatible with any brand infusion sets.5.Work mode: ml/h and drop/min, and these two modes can switch freely.6.KVO and Bolus functions.7.Has drug library with more than 500 drugs.8.Has 1000 records.Technical parameters:SPECIFICATION (YSSY-820D Infusion Pump)Product nameYSSY-820Unique Voice Alarm systemThe device triggered the voice prompt and stop injection automatically when there is any malfunction, making the infusion process safer and more reliable.Infusion rate1ml/h~1,200ml/hPurge rate100ml/h~1,200ml/h (100 ml/h increment)KVO rate1ml/h~5 ml/h (1ml/h increment)AccuracyWithin ±5% (after correct calibration)Infusion Volume1ml~9999mlTotal Infusion Volume0.1ml~9999.9mlOcclusion detection pressureHigh: 800±200 mmHg (106.7±26.7 kPa)Medium: 500±100 mmHg (66.7±13.3 kPa)Low: 300±100 mmHg (40.7±13.3 kPa)Bubble detectorUltrasonic wave detector; detection sensitivity ≥25μLAlarmsEnd of injection, occlusion, door open, bubbles in the tube, wrong setting, low battery, AC power pulled out etc.PowerAC100V~240V, 50/60Hz; Internal rechargeable Li battery, capacity≥1,600mAh, 4 hours internal battery backupOperation conditionsAmbient temperature: +5°C~+40°C;Relative humidity: 20~90%Atmospheric pressure: 86.0kpa~106.0kpaStorage conditionsAmbient temperature: -30°C~+55°CRelative humidity: ≤95%Equipment ClassificationClass II, internal power supply, Type BFIP gradeIPX1Dimension140mm (L) × 157mm (W) × 220mm (H)Weight1.8kg (net weight)QualityCE certification Infusion Pump: YSSY-1200Features:1. CompatiblewithIV sets of any brand, universal type. 2. Automatically calibration for IV sets of any brand. 3. Three working modes: Drop counting control, Rate controland Timecontrol mode. 4. 12 Hours continuous work when the battery is fully charged. 5. Have a unique color LCD and an internal battery with a high capability. 6. Switch between ml/h and drops/min freely. 7. Three levels of alarm volume: high, medium and low.8. Three levels ofocclusion pressure: high, medium and low.9. KVO function: When finish the total volume of an infusion, the pump will alarm and enter KVO state. Infusion Pump is a medical device that delivers intravenous fluids and medicine to patients in hospitals, outpatient surgical centers, hospices, nursing homes, and in ambulances.Technical SpecificationsPARAMETERSPECIFICATIONDrop DetectorOutside caliper rotary detector (patent)Infrared sensorControl WayDrop counting and adjusting the delivery rate automaticallyFit IV tubes20d/ml,60d/ml and other, as well as brown tubesPump TypePeristaltic finger pumpAccuracy±2%, when delivery rate≤25drop/min (drop counting & time control mode) ±3%, when delivery rate >25drop/min (drop counting & time control mode)±5% (Volume control mode after the correct calibration)Delivery rate1.0~1200ml/hr (1.0~99.9ml/h 0.1ml/h per step; 100~1200ml/h, 1.0ml/h )Delivery time range1-1999min (1min step)Volume limit range:0-9999ml (1 ml step)Total Volume Range0-9999.9ml (1 ml step)Purge Rate600.0ml/hKVO RateKVO is 1ml/h when the delivery rate≤10ml/h, Otherwise KVO is 3ml/h. Occlusion pressureThree level setting LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH AlarmsNear empty, Syringe empty, Volume complete (when limit volume is set), Occlusion, Syringe loose, Operation error, Low battery, device failures.Three levels of alarm volume LOW, MEDIUM or HIGHBolus functionBolus rate:10-1200ml/h,Bolus volume: maximum of 100mlPower sourceAC power supply: AC 100 to 240V( +/-10%),50/60Hz;Built-in Lithium Battery:Rechargeable,11.1V,2000mAh.12 hours of continuous operationAccessories:AC power line, Operational manualProtection ClassClass I, Type CF,IPX4Dimension /Net weight125mm*230mm*125mm , 2.0kgInfusionPumpYSSY-1200YFeatures:1.Deliveryrange:0.1ml/hr~1200ml/hr2.Automaticallycalibration,withdripsensor.3.Historymemory:5000eventlog4.12Hourscontinuousworkwhenthebatteryisfullycharged.5.HaveauniquecolorLCDandaninternalbatterywithahighcapability.6.Switchbetweenml/handdrops/minfreely.7.Threelevelsofocclusionpressure:high,mediumandlow.8.Druglibrary:1030drugname,17kindsofdoseunit TechnicalSpecificationsPARAMETERSPECIFICATIONDruglibrary10categoriesofdrugs,amountsto1030kindsofdrugnames,17kindsofdoseunit,suchasug/kg/min,mg/kg/min,etc.Makesdrugdispensingmoreconvenientandsafer.)HistoryrecordfunctionRecordinfusionstarttime,infusionovertime,infusionrate,alarms,drugname,doseandbolusvolume,etc.DropDetectorOutsidecaliperrotarydetector(patent)InfraredsensorControlWayDropcountingandadjustingthedeliveryrateautomaticallyFitIVtubes20d/ml,60d/mlandother,aswellasbrowntubesPumpTypePeristalticfingerpumpAccuracy±2%,whendeliveryrate≤25drop/min(dropcounting&timecontrolmode)±3%,whendeliveryrate>25drop/min(dropcounting&timecontrolmode)±5%(Volumecontrolmodeafterthecorrectcalibration)Deliveryraterange0.1ml/h~1200ml/h(0.1ml/h~99.9ml/h,0.1ml/hstep;>99.9ml/h,1ml/hstep)Deliverytimerange1min~1999min(1minstep)Volumelimitrange:0-9999ml(1mlstep)TotalVolumeRange0-9999.9ml(1mlstep)PurgeRate600.0ml/hKVORateKVOis1ml/hwhenthedeliveryrate≤10ml/h,OtherwiseKVOis3ml/h.OcclusionpressureThreelevelsettingLOW,MEDIUMorHIGHAlarmsNearempty,Syringeempty,Volumecomplete(whenlimitvolumeisset),Occlusion,Syringeloose,Operationerror,Lowbattery,devicefailures.ThreelevelsofalarmvolumeLOW,MEDIUMorHIGHBolusfunctionBolusrate:10~1200ml/h(pre-selected),Bolusvolume:maximumof100mlPowersourceACpowersupply:AC100to240V(+/-10%),50/60Hz;Built-inLithiumBattery:Rechargeable,11.1V,2000mAh.12hoursofcontinuousoperationAccessories:ACpowerline,OperationalmanualProtectionClassClassI, TypeCF,IPX4Dimension/Netweight130mm*200mm*230mm,2.5kg
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