Déanann MYY Dental Lab coróin agus droichead zirconia ar ardchaighdeán.
Úsáideann MYY Dental Lab ábhar siorcóinia ilchiseal le haghaidh oibreacha anatamaíochta iomlána.
Ard estéiseach, neart maith, agus feistiú beacht.
Ní úsáideann MYY Dental Lab deimhnithe ISO agus FDA riamh droch-ábhair, agus tugann ár dteicneoirí dea-oilte aire do gach cás go mion.
Tá MYY Dental Lab ar cheann de na saotharlanna fiaclóireachta is fearr ón tSín.
Clibeanna Te: droichead siorcóinia, an tSín, soláthraithe, monarcha, praghas, saotharlann fiaclóireachta na Síne, déanta sa tSín

MYY Dental Limited The is a leading global dental prosthetics provider, distributor and consultant offering “one-stop-shop” services for more than 20000 customers in more than 20 countries including Europe, North America, Greater China and Australia. Our product portfolio is broadly categorized into three product lines: fixed prosthetic devices, such as crowns and bridges; removable prosthetic devices, such as removable dentures; and other devices, such as orthodontic devices, clear aligners, sports guards and anti-snoring devices. Our success in this industry is rooted in our global proprietary sales and distribution network which we established through a series of strategic acquisitions of our former distributors.
Company: Shenzhen MYY Denture International Processing Plant
Tel :+ 86 18098919514
QQ: 1036188723
Email :xml5201@outlook.com
Website: http://www.dental-myy.com
Address: Second Floor, 402 Yonghe Road, Fuhai Street, Bao 'an District, Shenzhen