1.Fourdrinier open headbox in paper making machine for sale is the key of paper machine,the function is supplying uniform and steady pulp flow to paper machine wire part.
2.The hydraulic headbox (hydraulic full-flow air-cushion combined headbox) is suitable for paper machine with a speed of 350-1500m/min and a speed of 1760-5500. The tube bundle enters the pulp stabilization chamber, and there is an attenuation chamber above the pulp stabilization chamber. It has an air cushion and spray device to eliminate air bubbles and reduce pressure pulses, and has an overflow outlet. The isobaric slurry flows from the stabilization chamber through the turbulence generator. Arrive at the upper weir plate of the convergence channel.
3.Air Cushion type headbox can increase the sizing pressure to meet the requirements of medium and high speed paper machines. The headbox consists of square taper tube device, evener roll device, top lip plate adjusting device, box body,control system, spraying device, air path system, etc.The headbox is designed with customer performance parameters, which can ensure work performance.
4.The Crescent paper machine adopts full stainless steel hydraulic headbox.The distributing bundle is combined with diffusion tubes.The diffusion tube bundle adopts the diffusion-finally section tube through the precise calculation, horizo
ntal distribution and dispersion to the pulp which is from the inlet pipe so that the pulp has the uniform distribution effect and good dispersion characteristics, which guarantees the quality of tissue paper.
More details contact us:
Huatao Group - Paper Machine And Fabrics
Web: www.papermakingtech.com
Email: frida@huataogroup.com
Tel: 0086 0311 80690567
Mob: 0086 133 3138 4775