66kv Aereal Fault Indicator with Portable Remote Controlwith Remote Terminal Communication Unit with图166kv Aereal Fault Indicator with Portable Remote Controlwith Remote Terminal Communication Unit with图2

66kv Aereal Fault Indicator with Portable Remote Controlwith Remote Terminal Communication Unit with

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Product Name: 66kv Aereal Fault Indicator with Portable Remote Controlwith Remote Terminal Communication Unit with Vitual Management Platform Model NO.: ESI Trademark: HEMG Transport Package: Wooden/Carton Specification: 6-66KV Origin: China Product Description AEREAL FAULT INDICATORWITH PORTABLE REMOTE ConTROLWITH REMOTE TERMINAL COMMUNICATION UNITWITH VITUAL MANAGEMENT PLATFORMFAILURE INDICATORS FOR AEREAL LINES 6-66 KVNºDESCRIPCIONUNIDADREQUERIDOGARANTIZADOI.MEDIUM VOLTAGE FAILURE INDICATORS1.0Country of originIndicateCHINA2.0MakerHEMG3.0ModelESI4.0Manufacturing Standard and TestingANSI/IEEE 495: 2007ANSI/IEEE 495:20075.0Type of InstallationExteriorOUTDOOR6.0Opening SystemMonofásicoSINLE SYSTEM7.0Type of operationAutomática y manualAUTOMATION AND MANUAL8.0Installation Altitudem.s.n.m.Hasta 450045009.0Operating range (system voltages)kV7 - 667-6610.0Operating range (system currents)Amp1 - 6001-60011.0Operating FrequencyHz6060/50HZ12.0Operating temperatureºC-40 a +85(-40 TO 85)13.0IP Protection IndexIP67IP6714.0Terms of UseContinuoCONTINUOUS - Signal Type SignalLuminosa: Estroboscópica de alta densidadBRIGHT - Angle of visibilityGrados360360 - Continuous display timehoras≥ 700>=700 - Indicator lifeaños≥ 1010 - weightkg≤ 10.7515.0Indication, minimum visibility distance during sunny daym10010016.0Identification of Transient and Permanent FailureObligatorioYES.COMPLAY17.0Conductor section rangemm²25 a 24025 TO 240Short-term currentKA252518.0Current Sensor - ModelCT - PrecisionIndicar(+/-3%)19.0Voltage sensor - ModelBY CTIndicarSELF-SUITABLE20.0Auxiliary Power System - Signal - Internal BatteryLitioLithium - Rated VoltageVdcIndicar3.6V - Useful lifeaños≥ 101021.0Programmable Parameters for Performance - Trip current range for the indication of the short-circuit current.Corriente de disparo: Rango de programación de corriente para la indicación de cortocircuito: Desde 10 hasta 1500 A.YES.COMPLAYCorriente de disparo: Autoajustable para fallas a tierra: 5 A a 100A (paso de 5 A)YES.COMPLAY - Inrush current lockSiYES.COMPLAY - Transient fault indication timeSi, indicar<=40MS - Permanent fault indication timeSi, indicar4/8/12/24 HOURS OPTIonAL - Flash IntervalSi, indicar5S - Flash durationSi, indicar>=50MS - Replacement by CurrentSiYES.COMPLAY - Replacement by VoltageSiYES.COMPLAY - Manual ResetSiYES.COMPLAY - Remote ResetSiYES.COMPLAY22.0metal parts exposed to the weathering of the fault indicator shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153SíYES.COMPLAY23.0Accessories for Fault Indicator Assembly-Monitor for the validation of the operation of the Fault IndicatorSíYES.COMPLAYII.FAULT INDICATOR COMMUNICATION SYSTEM1.0Wireless Local Communication between the Fault Indicator and a physical interface to external RTU or directly to external RTU that acts as a local hubSí YES.COMPLAY2.0Bidirectional communication between fault indicator and physical interface to external RTU or directly to external RTUSí, Indicar la distancia máxima posible de comunicación "bidireccional" que ofreceYES,MAX 50M3.0 Medium of "local communication"-Indicar medio y características técnicas (Radio frecuencia, Bluetooth, otro medio)-Indicar la frecuencia de trabajo del Indicador de Falla, si es Libre o licenciada.YES,RADIO FREQUENCY/433MHZ,FREE4.0 - Minimum sending signals of the fault indicator by local communication to the RTU that acts as a local hub Transient failureSiYES Permanent failureSiYES Absence of TensionSiYES Presence of VoltageSiYES Line Current MeasurementSiYES Measurement of VoltageOpcionalYES FOR BATTERYIIIREMOTE TERMINAL UNIT (RTU)1.0Manufacturing and Testing StandardIEC 61326-1, EN 55022, IEC 61000-4-2, IEC 61000-4-3, IEC 61000-4-8IEC 61326-1, EN 55022, IEC 61000-4-2, IEC 61000-4-3, IEC 61000-4-82.0Powered by battery embedded in the RTUSíYES3.0Battery TypePrimary cells Lithium Thionyl Chloride (LiSOCl2)YES4.0Battery lifeAños10105.0Embedded GPRS ModemSíYES6.0Real-time synchronization (RTC)SíYES7.0Type of SIM card, provided by the User.Sim Card (Indicar tipo NanoSIM o microSIM)SIM CARD8.0Degree of protectionIP66IP669.0Minimum number of digital inputs for fault indicators121210.0 Allows remote configuration of fault indicatorSí, herramienta para la validación del funcionamientoYES11.0Permanent dispatch capacity to the SCADA of the Companies of the Distriluz Group; Directly or through the virtual platform of management of all the data received from the fault indicatorSi, indicar sí es posible el envío directamente o a través de la plataforma virtualYES,POSSIBLE BY DIRECTLY OR BY VIRTUAL PLATEFORM12.0 Ability to store latest faults>= 10Si1013.0Mounting Accessories- Boxes with clamps for mounting in post of concentrators according to the manufacturer's recommendations.SiYESIVREMOTE ConTROL OF FAULT INDICATORS (1)1.0 Allows you to make configuration settings in the Field Fault IndicatorSíYES2.0 Stores settings to be applied in the fieldSíYES3.0 Allows you to download equipment configurations in the fieldSíYES4.0 Connects to a PC to download stored dataOpcionalNOVVIRTUAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT PLATFORM1.0CPU and monitor for implementation in the control centerSí/No (2)YES2.0Management Software for windows 8 or higher operating systemSíYES3.0Includes Unlimited Software Management License and its update for a minimum period of 10 years.SíYES4.0Communication interface with the SCADA of the companies of the Distriluz GroupSíYES5.0Allows user and password accessSíYES6.0Configurable environment by the UserSíYES7.0Set of sound and visual alarms (mimic diagram)SíYES8.0Allows the configuration of alerts via Email and SMSSíYESAllows the download of information stored in EXCEL formatSíYES
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